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Padmanabhaswamy Temple

Padmanabhaswamy Temple

Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu is one of the most renowned temples situated in the state of Kerala in South India. The temple is positioned in the interior East Fort, in the state capital, Thiruvananthapuram. Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is also considered as one of the seven Parasurama kshetras in Kerala. It is believed that even the city of Thiruvananthapuram was named after the Lord. The Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple was established in the 18th century, inspired by the Dravidian style of architecture. The literal meaning of the term Thiruvananthapuram, when split as Thiru- Anant – Puram means “The land of Sree Anantha Padmanabhaswamy” or “The Abode of Sree Anantha Padmanabhaswamy.

Here in the temple, Lord Vishnu is enshrined in the Anananthasayanam posture, in the posture of eternal sleep of yognidra and is placed on Sri Anantha, the hooded snake. As per the legends and traditions, Sree Padmanabhaswamy Kshetram used to be worshipped by Chandra, the Moon God and Lord Indra, the head of the Devs. The temple has been maintained by the former Travancore Royal Family and is deemed to be as one of the 108 Divya Desams, of the Lord Mahavishnu that are referred to the works of the Tamil Azhvars (saints).

Sree Anantha Padmanabhaswamy Temple is one of the 108 Divya Desams of Lord Vishnu. Divya Desams are the holiest abodes of the Lord Mahavishnu that are mentioned in the works of the Tamil Azhvars (saints). The idol in the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is formed out of 12008 salagramams that compile the rested lord. There salagramams are brought all the way from Nepal from the banks of river Gandhaki.

On top of it “Katusarkara Yogam”, Navaratnams and a special Ayurvedic mix, was employed to give it a plaster. The followers and the supporters believe that the Lord has many a time physically come in some kind of camouflage and has saved the Travancore Kingdom from the commands of enemies.

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