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Jamali Kamali Masjid and Tomb

Jamali Kamali Masjid and Tomb

Jamali was the pseudonym of Shaikh Fazlullah, popularly known as Jalal Khan. He was a saint and a poet was there since Sikandar Lodis reign, during the famous battle of Panipat in 1526 to that of Humayun. The mosque is allied him, which is nestled at about 300 m from the south of Balbans tomb. The mosque was initiated around 1528-29 during the reign of Baburs and was completed in the sovereignty of Humayun. However, kamali has an exciting mystery.

Jamali Kamali masjid and tomb has recently been repaired by INTACH, an independent cultural organization. There are two graves in the tomb, it is believed that one grave is that of Jamali, and the other is that of Kamali, who had not left his imprints to be traced, this is the reason why the monument is under a double- barreled name.

The original gate to the mosque still lies on the south. Five arches, inclining towards a four-centred form and ornamented with carved bands and medallions in the spandrels, pierce its prayer-hall. The central arch is positioned t a high pedestal than others, is more generously garlanded and bordered by fluted pilasters. The western wall has decorated niches and the central and northern ones are decorated with Quranic inscriptions. Several verses composed by Jamali are also emblazoned on the walls.

Architecturally this graceful mosque signifies the changeover from the Moth-Masjid to Sher Shahs mosque, with sharing certain features.

The beautiful and spruce lawns of Jamali Kamali make it a popular picnic spot for Delhites.

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