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Fort St David

Fort St David

A hundred miles towards the south of Madras there nestles the Coromandel Coast in India which is at a stones’s throw from the town Cuddalor possessing the famous British fort named as Fort St. David. The fort was named for the patron saint of Wales, since the then Governor of Madras, Elihu Yale, was Welsh.

In 1690 the Marathas sold the fort to the British East India Company. Robert Clive stood as the manager of Fort St David in 1756. The relics of Fort St David are still founded on the river Gadilam, accounting to be as one of the point in creating a memorable history.

Originally the fort was built by a Hindu merchant after whom it was handed over to the Marathas while incarcerating the Gingee Fort by Shivaji in 1677. Thereafter, it was purchased by the English in 1690 and renamed the fort in English as Fort St David.

An enormous gun was fired in different directions including the entire country within its range, including the town of Cuddalore, in order to attain the possession of these small villages. The villages thus obtained are still spoken of as cannonball villages.

Since 1725 the fortifications started strengthening. In 1746 Fort St David became the British headquarters for the southern India and Dupleix assault was successfully repulsed. Then in 1758 the French captured it, but deserted it two years later and handed it over to Sir Lyre Coote. In 1782 they again took it and re-established it suitably to surviving it from the British attack in 1783. In 1785 it finally passed into British possession.

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